Monday, July 19, 2010

McDonald's Official Collector announces:

Fresh Delivery from Oman


I'd like to announce that on Friday, the 16th of July I have received a package from McDonald's Oman with exactly 17 new different items: menu & nutrition facts brochures & trayliner (both Arabic and English), Guest Comment Card and coupons inter alia.

Please notice new trayliners, on which the menu items are displayed in a new way, more natural, fresh & tasty! By the way I hope that the new display will hit Europe soon :)

Again, total items number for McDonald's Oman is now 21.

New addition wouldn't take place if not for my friend from McDonald's Oman. Weng, thank you very much!



Countries and items number

Poland [117]
Saudi Arabia [83]
USA [53]
Lebanon [39]
Germany and Luxembourg [39]
Czech rep. [33]
Malaysia [32]
Belarus [27]
China [25]
Spain [23]
Japan [22]
Oman [21]
Kuwait [20]
Venezuela [20]
Bahrain [19]
India [19]
Indonesia [19]
Jordan [19]
Belgium [19]
Uruguay [18]
Reunion Island [18]
Panama [18]
Hungary [17]
Guatemala [17]
Greece [17]
Puerto Rico [16]
Serbia [16]
Pakistan [16]
Ukraine [15]
Sweden [15]
Guam [14]
Croatia [13]
Mexico [13]
Denmark [13]
Canada [13]
Israel [12]
United Kingdom (England, Wales, Norther Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man)[12]
Netherlands [12]
Russia [11]
Qatar [11]
Taiwan [11]
Andorra [11]
Fiji [11]
France [10]
Australia [10]
Singapore [10]
Romania [10]
Finland [9]
Chile [9]
Norway [9]
Hong Kong [9]
Cyprus [8]
South Korea [8]
Mauritius [8]
Austria [8]
Thailand [7]
Egypt [7]
Bulgaria [7]
Malta [7]
Slovakia [6]
Italy & San Marino [6]
UAE [6]
Lithuania [6]
Suriname [5]
South Africa [5]
Philippines [5]
New Zealand [5]
Ireland [4]
Switzerland and Liechtenstein [4]
Turkey [4]
Tahiti [4]
Portugal [4]
Moldova [4]
American Samoa [3]
Brunei [3]
Costa Rica [3]
Slovenia [2]
Western Samoa [2]
Morocco [2]
Brazil [1]
Latvia [1]
Estonia [1]
Aruba [1]

Total: 1212 items from 90 countries (19/07/2010)


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