Suriname - the 90th country
On the 23rd of May I have received a letter from McDonald's Suriname containing 5 great different advertising items.
Another great addition! - 90th country, 1186 items in total.
Thank you Suriname!
Countries and items number
Poland [117]
Saudi Arabia [83]
USA [53]
Lebanon [39]
Germany and Luxembourg [39]
Czech rep. [33]
Malaysia [32]
Belarus [27]
China [25]
Spain [23]
Japan [22]
Kuwait [20]
Venezuela [20]
Bahrain [19]
India [19]
Indonesia [19]
Jordan [19]
Uruguay [18]
Reunion Island [18]
Panama [18]
Hungary [17]
Guatemala [17]
Greece [17]
Puerto Rico [16]
Serbia [16]
Pakistan [16]
Ukraine [15]
Sweden [15]
Guam [14]
Croatia [13]
Mexico [13]
Denmark [13]
Canada [13]
Israel [12]
United Kingdom (England, Wales, Norther Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man)[12]
Netherlands [12]
Russia [11]
Qatar [11]
Taiwan [11]
Andorra [11]
Fiji [11]
Belgium [10]
France [10]
Australia [10]
Singapore [10]
Romania [10]
Finland [9]
Chile [9]
Norway [9]
Hong Kong [9]
Cyprus [8]
Korea [8]
Mauritius [8]
Austria [8]
Thailand [7]
Egypt [7]
Bulgaria [7]
Malta [7]
Slovakia [6]
Italy & San Marino [6]
UAE [6]
Lithuania [6]
Suriname [5]
South Africa [5]
Philippines [5]
New Zealand [5]
Ireland [4]
Oman [4]
Switzerland and Liechtenstein [4]
Turkey [4]
Tahiti [4]
Portugal [4]
Moldova [4]
American Samoa [3]
Brunei [3]
Costa Rica [3]
Slovenia [2]
Western Samoa [2]
Morocco [2]
Brazil [1]
Latvia [1]
Estonia [1]
Aruba [1]
Total: 1186 items from 90 countries (23/05/2008)
Hi, I liked a lot of the blog, I'm also a collector of Pins and other items McDonalds. Working in McDoanld's since 1998 have many articles with many years and different. I would like to exchange some items with you. Give me your address to send him to McDonald's articles of Portugal. Grateful, Mario Matos
Dear McMatos,
For contact purposes, please give me your e-mail address. It is a better way to contact.
Thank you.
i collect mcdonalds pins. anybody interested in a trade? please contact me:
regards sven from germany
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